Thursday, 24 February 2011

Mumma's Time!

As you all now know - I love spending time with my girls, but there comes a time when baby babble and watching cartoons becomes a bit of a chore, and some 'mumma time' is needed.

My alone time is between 7pm and 1am most nights. I spend it being friends with Facebook, catching up on my favourite TV shows, the odd bit of housework, or my favourite - SEWING!

Sewing is a new love in my life, but I cant get enough of it. I have so many projects I want to start, but I am nowhere near skilled enough to do them yet.
My very first project was a sock monkey.

Then it turned into some more soft toys and a Taggie Blanket..

Then tonight I made my very first bib!

I may not be very good, but its something that I really enjoy and find rather relaxing.

I think even if us, as mums don't get away time (as in out of the house), then we can find something else we really enjoy for some 'mumma time'. Even if it is spending hours on the computer, but as long as its something that lets you relax and recover for another baby filled day!

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