Imogen is 4 years old. She was born on the 9th of December 2006. 7lb 7oz and 50cm long. Perfect when she was born, and perfect now.
Imogen currently attends Star of the Sea college, just around the corner from my place. She is in Kindergarten already. It only feels like yesterday she was the same age as Isabel and learning to crawl. Now she is away from me 3 days a week learning how to read and write. Time goes way too fast.
The last 4 years with Imogen has had it ups and downs. Ups definitely outweigh the bad by a tonne, but the downs have been there, just few and far between. Imogen's Dad and myself split just after Imogen turned 2. Things were tough, but the hardest thing has been not having my girl around on the weekends. She has been going to his place every weekend until recently, now it is 3 weekends a month, so then I get one weekend every month to make up for the time I miss while she is at school. So for 3 weeks a month, I get one full day a week with Imogen. And I try to make the most of that one day!
She is such a beautiful soul. So caring and compassionate. I absolutely love watching her interact with her sister. She loves her so so much and it is amazing to watch the bond between them form.
I am so blessed to have 2 amazing and beautiful daughters..
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