Wednesday, 23 February 2011

'A Moment'

I am having a moment.

Its not a bad moment, actually its a nice moment.

Its moments like these I realise how much I actually love my daughters.

Isabel is in bed sleeping (on her back!) and Imogen is in her room watching 'Tinkerbell'. And all I can think right now is how much they mean to me. They are my world, my whole life revolves around them, and I am more than happy with that.
They make me, me. I love waking up in the morning to them, knowing that they will be there and that I get to spend another day as a Mum.

Best. Job. Ever.

I never expected to fall pregnant at 17 and by 22 have 2 children, but I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING. This IS my life and its the best.

My girls are adorable, I know I'm probably bias but I'm allowed to be.

This is just my moment, and I wanted to share it!

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