Monday 21 February 2011

Isabel Jasmine

To kick off the actual posting I'll start with the baby of the house.


Isabel was born on the 19th of September 2010, 11:31pm which was 29 minutes before her due date! She weighed 7lb 1oz and was 52cm long. Pure beauty and instant love as soon as I saw her!

Isabel is currently 5 months old. Growing like a weed, but in a good way. I love seeing all the new things she learns every day. I love seeing her interact with her Dad and her older sister. They will grow up to be the best of friends. 

She is on the move already! Rolling over is her favourite activity, but she is getting close to crawling which is exciting. She will only attempt it in bed though, and while she has her sleeping things on. 

Its crazy how fast our little ones grow up. I find it a little sad. Its like you blink and the time has gone. But I am trying to savor every minute I get to spend with Isabel. Before I know it she will be joining her sister at school. 

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